Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gender Research

Sam Katz


Mr. Saxon

Honors English 4


    As the recession continues to lengthen and deepen it has begun to bring about change in gender roles in the United States. Because more and more men are being laid off from their jobs women have had to assume larger roles in supporting their families. The effect the recession is having on men and women in the work force and their changing incomes' is shown in the Business Standard article "Recession may bring change in gender roles in U.S.". The author discusses how the large quantity of job losses amongst men has forced women to step up and take the responsibility of becoming "breadwinners" for the family (Recession). Since more than 80% of the total job losses during the recession have fallen upon men women have had taken it into their own hands to support the family (Recession). America is traditionally a male dominated society, but as the recession worsens, women have begun to challenge the norm of males being the leaders and providers for the family.

    Although the change in the role of the "breadwinner" has not changed for all families, there are other noteworthy changes that are evident supporting this claim. Many women have taken part time jobs to compensate for their husband's lack of work while the men search for new jobs. As these men's searches have continued to no avail many women have had to become more attached to their jobs. While these unemployed men continue to be at their house for long hours their chores and daily lives at the house will change as well. These men and former workers are now left with more time for childcare and domestic work around the house (Recession). I know if I was a husband and my wife was at work all the time I would have no choice but to assume some of the chores and responsibilities she used to attend around the house. How can things run smoothly at the house if men and women refuse to make this change in gender roles? 


    Since men are employed in struggling industries such as manufacturing and construction women are taking on more and more of the nation's payroll; Heather Boushey a senior economist at the Center for American Progress was quoted saying " Given how stark and concentrated the job losses are among men... women are now bearing the burden or the opportunity one could say of being breadwinners," (as stated in Recession). At this time it can be argued women have more stable and reliable careers to support a family. Because women unlike men happen to work mostly in education and healthcare their jobs are less threatened by the hostile roller-coaster ride of the economy (Recession). With stability and assurance in their lives women seem poised to make money for their family. 

    While the household budgets in America are cut thinner and thinner by men losing jobs, it is the right time for women to jump in and become "breadwinners" for their family. Maybe not all women have to swap gender roles or even income with their husbands, but as more men are being laid off it seems gender role changes are imminent for certain couples. If women plan on taking more of a proactive role in providing for their family, there isn't a better time than now. 


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Poem Second Semester

Hi everyone this is my first post. This post is a poem I wrote for English about being a second semester senior. In this poem I list a number of rules for seniors to follow in order for them to enjoy their second semester. I based my poem on the poem Girl by Jamaica Kincaid where Kincaid writes a poem in the voice of a mother to a young girl. The mother is giving the girl advice on how to be a mother when she grows up. 

Sam Katz 

Second Semester Senior

Sleep in every day; don’t go to school on time; when you get to school make sure you have no pencils, notebooks, or any other materials; cut as many classes as you can; if you go to class go to the bathroom as soon as possible and don’t go back; walk around the hallways; go out to lunch far away; skip the class after lunch; never bring your clothes to gym; sleep during class; don’t pay attention to any of your teachers; never hand in any assignments on time; go out and party on school nights; when the weather gets nice skip school and go to the beach; have fun with your friends on the weekends; play games on your laptop all day; leave all of your classes early; don’t study for any of your tests; you’re all ready into college, have fun;  this is how you listen to music during class; this is how you text so the teacher can’t see; this is how you speak on the phone so nobody can see; this is how you play computer games while making it appear that you’re on task; pass notes during class; get ready to choose your college; flirt with every girl; you’re never going to see anyone again; live in the moment; have as much fun as possible; remember this is your last year of high school; be friends with everyone; don’t worry if you weren’t before; get ready for prom; get ready for graduation; look forward to your last summer as a kid; have as much fun as possible; stop doing what you are doing now and be spontaneous; go on adventures; end late nights at the diner hanging out with your friends; remember if nothing is going on the night is still young; enjoy being at the head of the school; you’ll be the youngest again next year; go to all the school’s sports games; slack off in school; if you’re doing Mr. Saxon’s poem for homework stop now and party you’re a second semester senior; I’m going on an adventure now!


My other popular friends from English class also have awesome poems about rules. Meet my friends and their poems: Jozack, Gregorio, and TDN

This blog is made by a man named Ian Dodds who owns a consultant company. The company's job is to help implement strategies in diversity for other companies to use. This blog lists recent current events and news in diversity. 

This is a gender blog about women. The blog is for "geeky" or "nerdy" women who enjoy doing science experiments or just plain smart engaging activities.